Clevorne: an in-progress JavaScript graphing library
I've spent a little time over each of the last few weekends working on a JavaScript library for plotting graphs on the web.
It's far from complete but I'm putting up this page as the home page for the project as well as a tutorial of sorts.
(This is all heavily inspired by ggplot2 and the grammar of graphics.)
Currently, the libary expects the dataset to be in the form of an object that has a member named data. data is an array of arrays representing the data set.
Below, is an example data set for use in demonstrating the functionality of the library thus far.
(In the example data set below there is also an array, columns storing the column names but it doesn't get used by any of the code
written thus far. Eventually, I anticipate the object to have a few other members - both data and functions. This particular data set gives the Player Efficiency Ratings for 3 former NBA players for each season of their careers.)
var panel1 = document.getElementById('panel1');
plot1 = new clevorne(panel1, dataset, 1, 2); //use the 2nd and 3rd columns as x and y respectively for the first plot
plot1.colourBy(0); //choose colour by the first column of data
plot1.drawScatter(); //draw the scatterplot
Slightly different:
var panel2 = document.getElementById('panel2');
plot2 = new clevorne(panel2, dataset, 1, 2); //use the 2nd and 3rd columns as x and y respectively for the first plot
plot2.colourBy(1); //choose colour by the 2nd column of data
plot2.drawScatter(); //draw the scatterplot
And we get:
In this 2nd plot the colours were chosen by the 2nd column of the data rather than the 1st column. Not necessarily very enlightening in this instance but it gives an idea of how
the colourBy method works.
Line Graphs
The code:
var panel3 = document.getElementById('panel3');
plot3 = new clevorne(panel3, dataset, 1, 2); //use the 2nd and 3rd columns as x and y respectively for the second plot.
plot3.placeGrid([15,18,21,24],[82,86,90,94,98]); //place a grid for the 2nd plot
plot3.colourBy(0); //colour by the first column of the data
plot3.groupBy(0); //group by the first column of the data
plot3.drawLines(); //draw line graphs
The graph
Slightly different code:
var panel4 = document.getElementById('panel4');
plot4 = new clevorne(panel4, dataset, 2, 1); //use the 3rd and 2nd columns as x and y respectively for the second plot.
plot4.placeGrid([15,18,21,24], [82,86,90,94,98]); //place a grid for the 2nd plot
plot4.colourBy(0); //colour by the first column of the data
plot4.groupBy(0); //group by the first column of the data
plot4.drawLines(); //draw line graphs
And we get a different graph
Here the x and y variables were switched. (And the size of the svg was set as a square).
Code for Scatter Plots and Line Graphs at the same time:
var panel5 = document.getElementById('panel5');
plot5 = new clevorne(panel5, dataset, 1, 2); //use the 2nd and 3rd columns as x and y respectively for the third plot
plot5.groupBy(0); //group by the first column of the data
plot5.colourBy(0); //colour data points by the first column of the data
plot5.placeGrid([82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99],[15,18,21,24]); //place this grid on the plot
plot5.addAnnotation(function(row){ return "'"+(row[1]-1)+"-'"+(row[1])+" "+(row[0])+" "+(row[2])+" PER";})
plot5.drawLines(); //draw a line graph
plot5.drawScatter(); //draw a scatter plot
Gives this graph:
Here, we've added a call to addAnnotation and you can see the results by hovering over the points in the plot.
Bar Charts
The code:
var panel6 = document.getElementById('panel6');
plot6 = new clevorne(panel6, dataset, 1, 2); //use the 2nd and 3rd columns as x and y respectively for the third plot
plot6.colourBy(0); //group by the first column of the data
plot6.positionBy(0); //colour data points by the first column of the data
plot6.addAnnotation(function(row){ return "'"+(row[1]-1)+"-'"+(row[1])+" "+(row[0])+" "+(row[2])+" PER";})
plot6.drawBars(); //draw the bar chart
The chart:
Similar code, different data set:
dataset2 = {data: [["Mario", 1, 5],["Mario", 2, 6],["Mario", 3, 7],["Mario", 4, -3],["Mario", 5, 0.5],["Mario", 6, 1],["Mario", 7, -4],
["Luigi", 1, 4],["Luigi", 2, -3],["Luigi", 3, 6],["Luigi", 4, 6],["Luigi", 5, -0.5],["Luigi", 6, -2],["Luigi", 7, 3],
["Zelda", 1, 6.5],["Zelda", 2, 4.5],["Zelda", 3, 3],["Zelda", 4, 8],["Zelda", 5, 2], ["Zelda", 6, 3],["Zelda", 7, 4],
["Samus", 1, 6.5],["Samus", 2, 4.5],["Samus", 3, 3],["Samus", 4, 8],["Samus", 5, 2], ["Samus", 6, 3],["Samus", 7, 4]]};
var panel7 = document.getElementById('panel7');
plot7 = new clevorne(panel7, dataset2, 1, 2); //use the 2nd and 3rd columns as x and y respectively for the third plot
plot7.colourBy(0); //group by the first column of the data
plot7.positionBy(0); //colour data points by the first column of the data
plot7.addAnnotation(function(row){ return row[0]+": "+row[2]+" (Week "+row[1]+")";})
Gives this plot:
Just did this one to show how negative y values are handled.